We might link the word “sabbath” with the word “recharge.” Physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually we get recharged as we obey a law embedded in creation itself—to rest on the seventh day.

“Recharged,” however, is not the same thing as “overflow.” A battery may take a charge and work, but still not be fully charged.

Are you recharged and walking in overflow?

Candidates for table-waiters in the early church had to be “full of the Spirit and wisdom.” (See Acts 6:1-3). According to the Apostles, fullness in Spirit and wisdom were the chief requirements for those managing food and resources, apparently even superseding natural skill, intelligence, and previous experience.

Here is something to consider: if the chief requirement for a table-waiter was to be “full of the Spirit and wisdom,” how much more should a financial adviser, an investment analyst, a tax specialist, or a CEO be full of the same Spirit and wisdom?

Stephen, Phillip, and Barnabas in the New Testament, were each described as being “full.” Stephen, we discover, was full of five virtues: “the Spirit and wisdom” (Acts 6:3), “faith and the Holy Spirit,” (6:5), and “God’s grace and power” (6:8).

(With such an emphasis, we can infer its opposite: if some are full, in overflow, then some can be less full, even empty. Have you ever gone to work…on empty?)

Two questions:

Q. How did Stephen, Barnabas, and Phillip get full?

A. They came from the same prayer group!

Q. What was unique about that prayer group?

A. Their leaders were devoted to four non-negotiables.

Acts 2:41-2 states: “They devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching (God’s word), and to the fellowship (gathered believers in worship), to the breaking of bread (communion), and to prayer.”

Devotion means “exclusive focus on a particular thing.” When we are devoted to these things, we, like Stephen, Phillip, and Barnabas, will be full of the virtues God desires for us to have.

We will walk in overflow, those around us will be blessed, and our work environment will be transformed.

(To see the 7 benefits of a life in overflow, go here: https://doingbusinessinprayer.org/seven-powerful-benefits-of-a-life-in-overflow/.)

Mike Chrasta

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