Think of the work you do for a second.

Does it require ideas? Creativity? Forming plans? Thinking ahead? Maintaining good relationships with co-workers? Solving problems?

Now, what if in heaven, there were divine blueprints for everything you are doing? A blueprint room, if you will, as in a library. Divine blueprints for how to successfully complete your work. Divine instructions for most efficiently ordering your projects, or how you can incorporate revelation into your work so that whatever you do carries a divine stamp of approval and the power to bless others.

What if you and I could not only access those blueprints, but that God eagerly desires to reveal them to us? All the time, for everything we do?

Would you be interested?

But let’s look at this from a different angle.

Let’s say there is just one person in your office who is flowing in a close, daily relationship with the Lord. Spends time with Him. Prays about everything. Asks for revelation, insight, and help to do their work and then implements what God gives them.

Do you think others in the office would notice? Would not that person’s work totally stand out?  Would not their success be obvious? Think Solomon and the Queen of Sheba here… (1st Kings 10).

My friends, we already have access to this revelation. It is called the wisdom of God.  A divine blueprint, a foundation, a plan, a form, or an outline, personified wisdom in Proverbs 8 describes herself in terms of “construction language.” She (Wisdom) is all about building things. That is why she was the “craftsman” at God’s side in creation. Before the God of the universe “made” or “did” a single thing, He consulted wisdom first to make it happen.

Wisdom consists of the divine blueprints for everything we are to do or make on this earth. And it is hiding in plain sight! It is also free. All we need to do is ask for it (See James 1).

Can you imagine what your office, family, church, or company would be like if everyone in it believed divine wisdom is accessible for everything they do?

Would not our success be lights out ASTONISHING?

Would not the whole world take note?

Mike Chrasta

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