1. Synergistic Solutions. A believer in overflow, working on a team, is catalytic for new ideas, creative works, and solutions to intractable problems. Because he or she carries the presence of God, the Holy Spirit is free to reveal heavenly plans, blueprints, and ideas through the ordinary day-to-day interactions in our workplaces.
  2. Extraordinary Divine Appointments. One committed to abiding in Christ becomes a focal point for the Lord to steer others into our paths, even as we go about our daily tasks. Because we are carriers of His presence, He brings people to us so that they can benefit from God’s presence in us. When we are in overflow, we find ourselves in exactly the right place at the right time.
  3. Timely revelation. When we abide in Christ, revelation from God becomes normal. We become “naturally supernatural.” God can reveal Himself to us at any time and in many ways: a sudden, strong awareness of His presence; unlooked-for insights into problems; impressions or hunches that prove to be highly intuitive and accurate; deeper understanding of His word; or “out-of-the-blue” gifts, events, or circumstances that touch our hearts.
  4. Sovereign Ordering of Time. When we abide in Christ, and His words abide in us, He begins to do amazing things with our time—He economizes our schedules and calendars. He will bring a quick and easy closure to projects, or clear away our schedules to give us more margin. Appointments that prove to be cumbersome or intrusive, He postpones or cancels. We discover that we are moving in divine rhythms throughout the day—everything just seems to flow with ease, there is grace for our work, and no striving.
  5. Grace that Supersedes our Skill and Ability. A project suddenly comes together. You figure out something you knew nothing about. You get a flash of insight to a situation. You have clear discernment of another person’s motives. God hears your prayers and answers them quickly. Joy wells up in you when you least expect it. Because of the grace that comes to one in overflow, you discover that an intimidating workload miraculously takes half the time. You feel pleasure, ease, joy, and freedom while doing even mundane tasks.
  6. Empowering Ministry to Others. As we dwell in God’s presence, even during a super busy day or a packed schedule, we find we have ample time to pause and unhurriedly minister to another’s needs. We are empowered to just listen to their problems. Or, we are energized to pray for them or encourage them with a word God has given to us. Because we abide in His presence, we move in rest, and so, even during hectic days, we find we can be fully available and fully charged to minister the love of God to others.  When we are in overflow, everyone around us gets blessed!
  7. Unbelievable Answers to Prayers. Carriers of God’s presence become reservoirs of healing and restoration for others, especially through our prayers. Because we are fully “in Christ,” our prayers are not only heard, but quickly answered. Very often, we get to see the results. You pray for a client to have a change of heart—and he does. You pray for wisdom to tackle an intimidating problem—and the solution comes, and you solve it, easily. You pray for a troubling relationship in your life—and something happens in you or in the other person that changes everything. As we abide in Christ, our prayers have power to alter the present and define the future.

Mike Chrasta

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